Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lego Man Crayons

As the librarian in our Ward, I have access to the crayon supply. And believe me there are a lot of crayons, and there were a lot of broken ones. The other librarian and I went through them a while ago and pulled some of the smaller ones out and I put them in a locking plastic bag and brought them home.

I was wondering what to do with them when I saw a Lego Man mold on Amazon. I ordered it (the supplier took almost two months to get it to me and that was only after I filed a complaint with Amazon) and I proceeded to make some new crayons.

I was wondering what to do with them when I asked the Primary President how many Junior Primary children she had. “Somewhere around 60,” she replied matter of factly. Wow! Sixty children. I almost have that many made up and packaged. I just have to get some more cellophane wrappers and think of a nice 'color'ful quote to sticker across the top of the package and I will have them ready for Easter services. I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the little ones.