I am and always have been a lover of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born outside of Pittsburgh, near Johnstown, PA. I can remember early in life hearing about the team and watching my parents quietly root for them on Sundays. Of course in the 1960s there wasn't much chance to watch them on the West coast if they didn't play a local team. Then the 1970s rolled in and their new Quarterback and defense stepped up and started winning games. And four Super Bowls. The 1980s brought the realization that the team was mortal when they could make the playoffs but didn't get back to the Super Bowl. The 1990s showed they still were contenders and even once they made it back to the Super Bowl, only to lose to a great defense in the (gulp!) Dallas Cowboys. But then the 2000s came along and they have won two more Super Bowl rings and are still going strong. I get why people can hate them, although that is a pretty strong word. Hate is usually associated with evil, I prefer the word 'dislike' or maybe 'can't stand'. Those tend to make more sense since the Steelers are not associated with Lucifer (some seem to think the Rooneys made a deal with the devil, though). Terrell Suggs of the Baltimore Ravens, seems to agree with the rest of the haters with his t-shirt. I can understand Suggs' dislike because at least twice a year (sometimes thrice) he has to chase down the Steelers ball carriers. And sometimes he doesn't get the chance to win. Oh well...such is life. Hehehehe!